Feeling a Bit Sage
It’s said that burning sage in the house gives good vibes. I get good vibes examining sage in the garden. Not exactly watching it grow but moving from time to time between the herbs of my garden, fingering the downy leaves that exude that special fragrance of warmth and stability, their soft, shy green prescence in the bright sunlight. It belongs to the family of mint and is said to promote memory. It's also good in tea for those down moments we all have. I pick it for cooking, always whispering a thank you, and there’s always a small vase of sage on the upper shelf in my kitchen. That’s enough for me. No need to burn.
Salvia officinalis, the common sage was a miracle remedy for my premenopausal hot flushes, over 10 years ago... I first took wild sage from the hills, then switched to the much stronger common sage brought to me by a lady in the neighborhood.
Warm greetings,
Ciska Schenk